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At MBS 3D Solutions, we are here to make your ideas a reality. We pride ourselves on finding practical solutions to everyday problems. Maybe you have a small item that you would like made. Perhaps you need something larger or more complex. Whether you need an item for personal use or if you’re a company needing items in bulk, we are here for you.

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It all began with an idea.

Ideas are magnificent, transformative beings. After all, it was the ideas of some of the world’s most creative minds that made our planet what it is today. Where would we be if it weren’t for the brilliant visions of others? We have a need to share our ideas with the world in the hopes that they will have a beneficial impact.

This fruit bowl came, quite literally, from an idea. We needed—yes, you guessed it—a fruit bowl.

Inspiration is a great gift.

We love the movie (and TV series) The Punisher and also enjoy playing guitar. You never know where inspiration will lead you.

So many of our products have been born from inspiration. Whether it’s parts for our own Dillon reloading press, our laser engraver, or even just parts for our ordinary household products, we are constantly being inspired to create.

Contact Us

Whether you have an idea or are simply feeling inspired, we invite you to contact us today to explore what we can do for you!